? can u improve ur relationship

How to overcome your past and improve your romantic relationship?

We’ve focused before on how romance is alive and well in millions of loving relationships around the world, in spite of our society’s tendency to trivialize romantic people. And yes, there are countless men and women out there who have decided to use romantic ideas like those highlighted here to improve their relationships and the world.
But regardless of what kind of unique ways these many romantic people add excitement and love to their relationships, they all have one important thing in common: none of them were always romantic people. The appeal of a romantic lifestyle is something that many people don’t appreciate until later in life, but regardless of your unromantic past, your future can always be made more romantic and fulfilling.
Feelings of regret or guilt over a less-than-perfect past can sabotage our efforts to create a loving, romantic relationship and a more satisfying life. Whether it’s failed relationships, embarrassing acts, or unromantic attitudes, your past can sometimes seem insurmountable of you’ve decided to change your life for the better.Your past may seem insurmountable, but it never really is. As I said, every member of a successful relationship has an unromantic past, to some degree. We all have done things or been in relationships we regret, but making the decision to become a romantic person is the first step toward moving on and putting your past behind you.

Notice I say “put your past behind you” and not “forget your past.” Your past experiences and actions, good or bad, shaped you into the person you are today. Completely forgetting your unromantic past may seem appealing, but in doing so you’d lose the benefit of the many important lessons you’ve learned.

Instead, promise yourself to use your past mistakes to learn how to avoid actions that don’t encourage romance in your relationship. Never dwell on your mistakes, but use them as a reminder of why you made the decision to become a more romantic person.


what's up? do u love him forever?what's in ur mind?can help me/

I’m afraid to give you my all, I’m afraid to love you completely. But the truth is I have given you my all, And I do love you completely there is no other person I want more than I want you.. and the reason it always comes down to losing you is because I’m so deeply afraid of losing you.

I love you because I know you’re always there… there to catch me when I fall… there to listen when I need you, there when I feel alone. I love you because you understand me… you know how I feel even when I can’t say it… you know I’m not as strong as I say and still you never let me know that I’m not fooling you. I love you because you make me believe, believe that I am not worthless… believe that i am worth it.. that I am beautiful, because when I’m with you i feel like the prettiest girl in the world..believe that I can be loved, am loved, and can love others. I love you because you know, you know I feel this way but can’t say it and still you wait… letting me take my time to come to terms with the fact that I love you… would give my life up to be with you… and above all… never hurt you… lie to you… or leave you. Now I hope you understand.

Do you want to know what my problem is? I will tell you what my problem is, I LOVE YOU I love your name, I love the way you look at me, I love your amazing smile, I love the way you walk, I love your eyes, I love what you look like when you are asleep, I love the sound of your laugh, to hear your voice fills my entire heart with an indescribable feeling. I love the way I can be having the worst day of my life and seeing you completely changes my mood. I love how when you touch me I get weak, that is my problem…

what's the FEELING OF LOVE

Love is the greatest feeling in the whole world. When you are in love, you see mainly the positive sides of the character of the person, you are in love with. Everyone wonder sometimes what the reasons I love you are. However, each one of the persons has different reasons, but some of the most common among all of them are:

1. One of the reasons I love you is the way you make me feel alive, because that is the most important thing for one person.

2. Another one of the reasons I love you is that you have trust in me, because one couple can’t survive a long time without it.

3. I love you, because you are faithful.love greatest


                                            The true love is something that everyone wants to feel, but it is a fact that only a little part of the people has the luck to meet her. What is actually the true love? That is the most beautiful thing that can happen to someone, because that is one shared feeling. When you meet someone and fall in love with him that is not the true love still. If this person shares your feelings that still is not the true love.But it is true that this is the first step to that amazing feeling. The true love is something more then falling in love. She is at the first place trust, because without him every relationship is fated and can’t survive a long time. When you have trust in your partner you are anxiety-free. That must be shared because when the one person in the relationship believes in the other, but the other don’t do this, this leads to problems and probably to broke up. The true love is a friendship. You must to can be not only lover to your partner, you must be his friend.true love
Your partner must be the man from who you can ask for advice and who you can say your secrets, because he will not say to no one else this things, he wouldn’t be betrayed you. It is a true love when you can talk about everything with the person who you are in love with. Exactly the talking is the most important thing for the true love, because when the partners talk, they can find a decision to every problem, which they have. One big part of the couples breaking up, because they can’t or don’t want to talk. When the love is a true love, she can survive everything. Every problem is a test for the feelings and strength of one relationship. The true love is help. When you really love someone you are ready to help him right away and to do everything for him.



☻Love bears all things,
Love believes all things,
Love hopes all things,
and most precious of all,
Love endures all things.
Come we love and make things happy.

☻You are a gift wrapped in
ribbons of thoughtfulness and
trimmed with kisses and smiles,
given by God to stay not just for a day, but for life.

☻If I were to describe true love than
I would describe it as
what a snowman did to a snow woman,
he gave her a warm hug and
they both melted in each others arms.