☻If I were to describe true love than
I would describe it as
what a snowman did to a snow woman,
he gave her a warm hug and
they both melted in each others arms.

☻I will walk with you
in every step of life
but just promise me
you’ll hide your wings
every time we walk together,
coz I don’t want the world to know
that my friend is an Angel.

☻Love is not winning someone,
but loosing yourself to someone.
When you are loved by someone,
it’s not due to your excellence of mind
but due to purity of your heart.

☻If i could be any part of U I wud be ur tear,
To be conceived in ur heart born in ur eyes…
Live on ur cheeks
die on ur lips…..

☻Sun can’t come to earth but send love as rays.
Cloud can’t come to river but send her love as rain,
I can’t come to you but sending my good wishes.

☻In the ocean of your blue eyes;
Isee the image of mine;
so I dive in yours heart;
to measure the depth of love