love has the power to change your life as love is all about feeling make sure that love should make the feelings into the heart of others to give the pleasure mostly love is depend upon some condititions such as life can give you the things which may assist you to loveforever think that love is for life and its success parts,some one has told that life is easy with love as it inpires us to take action in life moreover the thing comes in the way of randomness to us but still thinking that life is easy but the complications are that we dont want to think of the solutions so be aware of it love is god truely said as it can change the overall thoughts makke sure life that in your life love is present or not if it comes then try to make him/her happy give your full support to her and give a promise whenever in your life if any circumstances happens i am with  you .


As love is now a days being part of daily life man has to complete all of his wishes over his in this life one must have to think about love as love makes very intelligent in the site of others so think about love in life make sure that the girl or boy which comes in your life should be polite atleast and should be caring in nature make that girl in your life who is helping in nature should be creative in is itself a boon in life if we feel it we really think that life is worst without love,love has no limits no conditions "SO THINK ABOUT LOVE". as love is lpj for life man has to think that life is indispensible part as it has lots of variations mostly life contains very stresses so love can help you to get rid of it,as you can slap the stress away from life life is about love so love your life and love some one to become has some effect on your attitude also so for attitudes love life and enjoy the change in your self.