can u define it....??a bond built between two or more people that assures of staying for a life time but happens so exceptionally..........

wel.......... point to be noted is that am not talking about blood just referrin to the relationships we make with people who are not realated to us.........but once related can really bring huge changes in life!!!!!

one universal word for those relationships is FRIEND.....

it can be further categorized  to good friends,bad friends,best friends and most impotant of all GIRLFRIENDS AND BOYFRIENDS........

whats the need of this relationship........whats the need to connect to people.......arent we doing just because we cant stay alone......arent we doing it just because we need them..........its so mutual..........then why people blame each other of being selfish.........

suppose u nd i are friends........if u think about urself then u r being practical and seeing that if i start thinking about myself then am selfish????????

why do we define relationships differently for us and the other person involved????cant we have a universal definition for all??

honestly speaking am really feared of relationships.......they make you go weak.....people manupulate your trust as your weakness.........

its very well said

 the authority of a relatioship lies with the person who cares less

i wish i was that person in all the relationships i have ever made..........

u cant define a relationship.......its beyond all cn u bound friendship within few words.... a friend is someone whom you need the most through your entire cant live without them..........

ant at one time or the other everybdy has a special friend in their lives whom you cant forget.........wether they be with you or not..........

 sometimes these special friends whom u can evn die for dont find u tht perfect to make a lifetime hurts.....very badly infact.....

but i forgive u for that..........what will be the difference between u and me if i too cal u selfish.........its human nature to think about "I" first..........i think u are not being selfish but just being human...........

i just have one complain............why didnt you make me that human before you left??

but yes i'l try my best to behave in a more human way in the relationships that still exist around me.........