
some friends may misunderstand me.
so i want to express it more clearly.

there are different kinds of love,
what i want to talk
is the love between lovers.

my opinion,
we should pay more attention
to the love between lovers.

our life and time is limited.
if we spend too much time on other kinds of love,
we will neglect the love between lovers.

but in all kinds of love,
the love between lovers is the most important.

if we neglect the most important love,
our life can not be fulfilled.

we will feel
that our life is not complete.

when our life and time comes to its end,
we will feel sorry and sad.

but if we have pay enough attention
to the love between lovers,
we will feel
that our life is fulfilled.

then we will not feel sorry and sad
when our life and time comes to its end.

of course,
other kinds of love is also important.
but since our life and time is limited,
we should pay more attention
to the most important love.

when i think of you,
i can feel a kind of softness and sweetness.
and this is love!

we can have such experience,
even we parted,
but if we think of the other,
and we can feel a kind of softness and sweetness,
that means there is still love remained in our heart.

love is like anything else,
we can just ask for
what our ability allows us to have.

if our love can not go ahead,
let it stop here.

by this way,
we will not ruin our love.
the softness and sweetness will remained in our heart